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Bible Platinum Contents: (Contains the following books)
Korean: New International Version Bible, (Audio Bible), New Revised Standard Version Bible, (Audio Bible)
English: KJV, KJV Strong’s numbers & lexicons, NIV, ASV, Holman Christian Standard Bible,
Hymnal lyrics, accompaniment, and lectionary, 21st Century New Hymnal lyrics, accompaniment, and lectionary,
New American Bible Commentary (18 volumes), Korean Commentary (30 volumes), Matthew Henry Commentary (English), Nave’s Topical Bible, Treasury of Scripture Knowledge, Strong Greek Lexicon, Strong Hebrew Lexicon, Holman CSB Notes,
Sisaelite English Dictionary, Sisaelite Korean English Dictionary, WordNet English Dictionary (with Thesaurus), Bible Dictionary, Simbat Dictionary,
Int’l Standard Bible Encyclopedia (English), Jamieson Fausette Brown, Easton’s Bible Dictionary,
365 Day Bible Reading Plan, Living English Phrasebook, Spurgeon’s Morning and Evening QT,
Additional books are also available for purchase:
KJV audio Bible (Narrated by Stephen Johnston)
NIV audio Bible
NKRV (New King James Version) audio Bible and more
Some of the books pictured below are purchased separately and not included in the Platinum package.
Trader’s PC Vibelink
This is Byblink for ministers with Platinum content. It supports up to Windows 10 (32/64 bit) and is a Bible program optimized for sermon preparation and Bible study. Download the installer below and use it for a period of time, then purchase the password for the full version and use it to check the excellence of the program (search, peek, verse link, interlinear Bible, dictionary instant search, commentary search, hymn lyrics accompaniment support, etc. We will send you the installer on a 4GB SD CARD and support the installation online. $135.00
Trader’s PC Byblink Multi-Pack 1,000
Trader’s Byblink with Platinum content support. It supports Windows 10 (32/64 bit) and is optimized for sermon preparation and Bible study. Download the installer below and use it for a period of time, then purchase the password for the full version and use it to check the excellence of the program (search, peek, verse link, interlinear Bible, dictionary instant search, commentary search, hymn lyrics accompaniment support, etc. We will send you the installer on a 4GB SD CARD and support the installation online. $105.000.00