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Books & Files

BibleLink Books and Files

For Windows Mobile or Omnia 2, USB Bible, e-Books & PDA

Upgrade files and program for your PDA, Windows Mobile Phone and SP430BL KG. 
Also, KJV audio Bible files are ready to download. Please, take benefits of using additional books.

BibleLink Wireless Mouse (with BibleLink Platinum 교역자용)
Wireless mouse (small to carry and built-in USB) with BibleLink program for PC.

The BibleLink Mouse is small and portable, with all the resources of the original U3 USB BibleLink and the functionality of a portable wireless mouse.

(Supports Windows XP, VISTA, 7, and 8)

Includes Bibles (various English and Korean), dictionaries (English, Korean, English-Han, Korean-Han, Bible, Duranno, IBE, EBD, etc.), commentaries, hymnals (lyrics, choruses), and many other reference materials. Uses 8GB USB

New English Bible, New King James Bible (audio), New Revised Version Bible (audio), hymn lyrics, choral music, lectionary, new hymn lyrics for the 21st century, choral music, new lectionary, 2 types of Bible commentaries, English dictionary, Korean dictionary, WordNet English dictionary (including thesaurus), Bible dictionary, Simbang dictionary, 365-day Bible reading chart, KJV Bible (English), KJV Strong’s numbers & lexicons, NIV Bible, ASV Bible, Holman Christian Standard Bible, Holman CSB Notes, Int’l Standard Bible Encyclopedia, Jamieson Fausette Brown, Living English Phrasebook, Spurgeon’s Morning and Evening QT, Easton’s Bible Dictionary, Matthew Henry’s Commentary, Nave’s Topical Bible, Treasury of Scripture Knowledge, Strong Greek Lexicon, Strong Hebrew Lexicon,

Additional audio Bibles available for purchase (KJV, NIV, HCSB)

USB Bible KJV Suite

USB Bible in the 4GB U3 USB Memory with KJV Suite with KJV Audio

KJV Bible, KJV Strong’s numbers & lexicons, ASV Bible, 101 Favorite Hymns (incl. midi audio),Easton’s Bible Dictionary, Int’l Standard Bible Encyclopedia, Matthew Henry Commen-taries, Nave’s Topical Bible, Jamieson Fawsette Brown, Treasury of Scripture Knowledge, Spurgeon’s Morning & Evening (QT), WordNet English Dictionary, Thesaurus